Which languages does python owe its origin to?
Python owe its origin to ABC language. ABC language has only five basic datatypes. Python was created by Van Rossum in 1989. Van Rossum also mention other languages like C, Modula 2, Algol 68, Icon and Borne shell.
Python is a general purpose, high level, interpreted language with easy syntax and dynamic semantics. It has an amazing computing power. It is preferred by both beginners and prose alike. It is an open source language.
Python is easy-to-learn yet powerful object oriented programming language. It is a very high level programming language yet as powerful as many other middle-level not so high level languages like C, C++, Java, etc.
Although, it is not perfect for every type of application, yet it has many strengths that make it a good choice for many situations.
Python is quickly becoming the top choice among developers for artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and deep learning projects. I admire Python for the way it let developers express their thoughts into fewer lines of codes than many other languages, but still is readable and modifiable. It is well suited for incremental development. In a rapidly developing field such as ML, where you want to keep up with the others, dealing with simpler code is a game changer.
Python is not just a library. It’s also very versatile and can be used in many applications. It can be used as a database, or as an application for data analysis and visualization purposes. It can be used as a framework for building your own machine learning model, or simply to create a new one.
Python has a large set of libraries which can easily be used for machine learning (for e.g. NumPy, SciPy, ScikitLearn, PyBrain etc).