How to scrape data from LinkedIn using Python
LinkedIn is one of the largest professional social media websites in the world and is a good source of social media data and job data. Using web scraping you can gather these data fields for performing analysis. Using Python you can make this process smoother.
Web Scraping is a technique used to extract data from websites. It can be performed in two ways:
- Direct HTTP requests: The best choice for static websites.
- Driving a Web Browser: The best choice for dynamic websites with content asynchronously loaded or IFrames.
Prerequisites for Scrapping LinkedIn:
Below is the code to scrape LinkedIn with Python.
from lxml import html import csv, os, json import requests #from exceptions import ValueError from time import sleep def linkedin_companies_parser(url): for i in range(5): try: headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/42.0.2311.90 Safari/537.36' } print ("Fetching :",url) response = requests.get(url, headers = headers,verify=False) formatted_response = response.content.replace('<!--', '').replace('-->', '') doc = html.fromstring(formatted_response) datafrom_xpath = doc.xpath('//code[@id="stream-promo-top-bar-embed-id-content"]//text()') content_about = doc.xpath('//code[@id="stream-about-section-embed-id-content"]') if not content_about: content_about = doc.xpath('//code[@id="stream-footer-embed-id-content"]') if content_about: pass # json_text = content_about[0].html_content().replace('<code id="stream-footer-embed-id-content"><!--','').replace('<code id="stream-about-section-embed-id-content"><!--','').replace('--></code>','') if datafrom_xpath: try: json_formatted_data = json.loads(datafrom_xpath[0]) company_name = json_formatted_data['companyName'] if 'companyName' in json_formatted_data.keys() else None size = json_formatted_data['size'] if 'size' in json_formatted_data.keys() else None industry = json_formatted_data['industry'] if 'industry' in json_formatted_data.keys() else None description = json_formatted_data['description'] if 'description' in json_formatted_data.keys() else None follower_count = json_formatted_data['followerCount'] if 'followerCount' in json_formatted_data.keys() else None year_founded = json_formatted_data['yearFounded'] if 'yearFounded' in json_formatted_data.keys() else None website = json_formatted_data['website'] if 'website' in json_formatted_data.keys() else None type = json_formatted_data['companyType'] if 'companyType' in json_formatted_data.keys() else None specialities = json_formatted_data['specialties'] if 'specialties' in json_formatted_data.keys() else None if "headquarters" in json_formatted_data.keys(): city = json_formatted_data["headquarters"]['city'] if 'city' in json_formatted_data["headquarters"].keys() else None country = json_formatted_data["headquarters"]['country'] if 'country' in json_formatted_data['headquarters'].keys() else None state = json_formatted_data["headquarters"]['state'] if 'state' in json_formatted_data['headquarters'].keys() else None street1 = json_formatted_data["headquarters"]['street1'] if 'street1' in json_formatted_data['headquarters'].keys() else None street2 = json_formatted_data["headquarters"]['street2'] if 'street2' in json_formatted_data['headquarters'].keys() else None zip = json_formatted_data["headquarters"]['zip'] if 'zip' in json_formatted_data['headquarters'].keys() else None street = street1 + ', ' + street2 else: city = None country = None state = None street1 = None street2 = None street = None zip = None data = { 'company_name': company_name, 'size': size, 'industry': industry, 'description': description, 'follower_count': follower_count, 'founded': year_founded, 'website': website, 'type': type, 'specialities': specialities, 'city': city, 'country': country, 'state': state, 'street': street, 'zip': zip, 'url': url } return data except: print( "cant parse page", url) # Retry in case of captcha or login page redirection if len(response.content) < 2000 or "trk=login_reg_redirect" in url: if response.status_code == 404: print ("linkedin page not found") else: raise ValueError('redirecting to login page or captcha found') except : print ("retrying :",url) def readurls(): companyurls = [''] extracted_data = [] for url in companyurls: extracted_data.append(linkedin_companies_parser(url)) f = open('data.json', 'w') json.dump(extracted_data, f, indent=4) if __name__ == "__main__": readurls()
All you need to do is change the URL in this line
companyurls = ['']
or add more URLs separated by commas to this list.
The output will be in a file called data.json in the same directory
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