How to make apps using python?
Python is a general purpose, high level, interpreted language with easy syntax and dynamic semantics. It was created by Van Rossum in 1989. It has an amazing computing power. It is preferred by both beginners and prose alike. It is an open source language.
Python is easy-to-learn yet powerful object oriented programming language. It is a very high level programming language yet as powerful as many other middle-level not so high level languages like C, C++, Java, etc.
Python has a large set libraries which can easily be used for machine learning (for e.g. NumPy, SciPy, ScikitLearn, PyBrain etc).
Popular python framework for app development are:- Django, flask, web2py, pyramid, cheerypy, etc.
We can make blockchain application, command line application, audio and video application, game app development, etc. with help of python.
Popular apps made up of python are Instagram, Spotify, Reddit, Uber, etc.
For making an app we have to first make a GUI. Python has built in GUI known as Tkinter.
After that we have to write the main code and code of how our application will process.
Then we have to add some additional contents.
This is how we can make an app using python.